The construction industry is going through a profound transformation as the world becomes more aware of the importance of sustainability. Concepts like green engineering are gaining popularity whereas old practices that harm the environment are fading away. The result is the rise of a new generation of buildings that are economically viable, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient.

What is Green Engineering?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines green engineering as “the design, commercialization, and use of processes and products in a way that reduces pollution, promotes sustainability, and minimizes risk to human health and the environment without sacrificing economic viability and efficiency.”

Green engineering is not a new technology but it is a mindset shift. Not so long ago, construction companies used to build without worrying about CO2 emissions or water management. They would do anything to maximize their profits regardless of the consequences for the environment.

Fortunately, the times are changing.

Environmentally-Friendly Buildings

In this very interesting article, BBC talked to people who are contributing to building a greener future. One of them is Scott Moran, senior director of exhibits and architecture at California Academy of Sciences.

Scott has helped design the building’s green systems over the past 15 years. Some of the features include a living room with nearly 1.7 million plants, insects, and birds; solar panels; hydroelectric power generation; and automatic skylights. “Buildings need to be designed and used in a way to save as much energy and water as possible”, he says.

Buildings like the California Academy of Sciences are expected to become more popular in the near future. According to the International Labor Organization, environmentally-friendly buildings will generate more than 6.5 million jobs by 2030.

If you want to help build a greener future, we can work together!

CREED LA fights to ensure that developers pay fair wages to all the hard-working construction professionals throughout the industry while simultaneously providing them with quality health care, continued training, and trustworthy retirement plans. To learn more about how our non-profit organization supports those building a better, greener world for us all, contact CREED LA online or at (877) 810-7473.