A net-zero building is designed to produce enough renewable energy to meet its energy consumption requirements. These buildings are revolutionizing the construction sector because they push the industry towards sustainable development. Why is this so important? Energy use in buildings accounts for roughly 40% of our carbon footprint, thus reducing it would be incredibly beneficial for the environment.

“Achieving zero energy is an ambitious yet increasingly achievable goal”, explains the U.S. Department of Energy. Although it’s not easy to create buildings that rely entirely on renewable energy generation, today’s new technology and construction techniques make it more achievable than it was a decade ago.

With almost 48% of the energy in the U.S. going to residential and commercial buildings, zero energy buildings can lower environmental impacts, reduce costs, and improve quality of life. Many states and local governments are already discussing target goals for net-zero buildings.

While integrated design and energy efficiency retrofits are all valid ways to reduce energy consumption, people still need to change their habits if they want to contribute to a sustainable world. Energy conservation programs can be used to incentivize reduced energy consumption.

Most net-zero buildings do more than just produce renewable energy: They store energy surplus, too. That’s how these buildings remain sustainable even during peak times, when residents tend to consume more energy than the building’s generation capacity. Isn’t that cool?

CREED LA fights to ensure that developers pay fair wages to all the hard-working construction professionals throughout the industry while simultaneously providing them with quality health care, continued training, and trustworthy retirement plans. To learn more about how our non-profit organization supports those building a better, greener world for us all, contact CREED LA online or at (877) 810-7473.