by creedla | Mar 23, 2018 | Environment, Green Construction, Los Angeles Construction Projects
A couple weeks ago we talked about the case for urban density and combating urban sprawl. This week, we want to touch on urban density again and focus on its many benefits as well as how to implement it successfully. Urban density serves to bring people together by...
by creedla | Mar 16, 2018 | Los Angeles Construction Projects
You’ve probably heard that our differences makes us stronger, but do you know why? In this blog, we explain why diversity is so important for society and examine demographic trends in the United States, as well as their impact in community planning. Benefits Of...
by creedla | Mar 5, 2018 | Green Construction
The city of the future is a city that reaches for the sky. As populations grow, cities grow to accommodate them, and the sprawling trend of cities expanding outwards is becoming less and less sustainable. The solution? Building upwards! From easier transportation and...
by creedla | Feb 26, 2018 | Environment, Green Construction
Every city started somewhere. While it’s likely that many of the original buildings in most cities have been lost, chances are there are a number of hidden gems just waiting to be revived. Every building has a story, and repurposing these spaces helps to ensure that...
by creedla | Feb 19, 2018 | Environment, Los Angeles Construction Projects
Cities draw people together. They provide opportunities for connections, careers, lifestyles, families, and more. So why are so many of them designed for cars? “If you plan cities for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic. If you plan for people and places, you...