by creedla | Apr 6, 2017 | Environment, Environmental News, Green Construction
Keeping Cool Just Got Easier & Better Looking! Typically, the aesthetics of products designed to improve energy efficiency have failed to ignite the passion of their intended audience. However, doing right for the environment just got easier, and a whole lot...
by creedla | Mar 30, 2017 | Environment, Environmental News, Green Construction
Tesla’s Gigafactory is the key component in their quest to help the world transition to sustainable energy. Elon Musk, the modern-day industrialist and founder of Tesla, is seeking to revolutionize the way we perceive what is possible with sustainable energy. Central...
by creedla | Mar 23, 2017 | Aesthetics And Renovations, Environmental News
How 3D Printing is Helping Reboot the Construction Industry Not too long ago, 3D printing was a nascent technology that often resulted in nothing more than the production of rudimentary toys akin to what we used to receive as a reward at the dentist’s office for not...
by creedla | Mar 17, 2017 | Environmental News
A New Twist on a Weighty Matter When most people think of tuned mass dampers, they immediately call to mind the variants installed within the stunning Taipei 101 in Taiwan or near the top of the slope-roofed Citigroup Center in NYC. In fact, when the latter opened in...
by creedla | Mar 9, 2017 | Environment, Transit-Oriented Development
Before Planes, Before Trains, there was … the Erie Canal Connoisseurs of civil engineering projects often credit the Panama Canal as mankind’s pivotal triumph over nature. Yet, an equally ambitious project predated it by almost a century and was done without the aid...