by creedla | Oct 20, 2017 | Architecture
The Lovell House… Truly Ahead of its Time! Upon first approaching the (deceptively) simple looking structure built into the side of a cliff in Los Feliz, it looks like any number of buildings constructed after 1980. Its steel frame, concrete walls, and casement...
by creedla | Oct 13, 2017 | Environmental News
Florida will likely need to undertake massive engineering projects to protect itself from rising seas, and the resultant flooding, in the future. When Hurricane Irma wove its path of destruction through the Caribbean enroute to Florida, dialogue arose again about the...
by creedla | Oct 6, 2017 | Architecture
‘Going Goth’ is Helping Buildings Become Stronger and Lighter Gothic architecture has long been defined by the churches and cathedrals created during this changeful period in human history. While distinct details define this style, its many revolutionary building...
by creedla | Sep 29, 2017 | Environmental News
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software provides architects and engineers with accurate airflow models which can provide many benefits to the designers. Traditionally, if one needs to examine how a building will behave in a high wind situation (similar to Category...
by creedla | Sep 22, 2017 | Environmental News, Green Construction
LEED-Certified Buildings Possess Higher Resale Values Compared to Their Non-Certified Counterparts Within the realm of green building construction there exists LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design. A component of the U.S. Green Building Council...