by creedla | Mar 3, 2017 | Architecture, Environmental News, Los Angeles Construction Projects
Talk About an “Eye” For Design Although it may look like someone took an outrageously kitsch movie prop from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) and placed it between two buildings in the middle of Venice, CA, the reality is that the Binoculars Building was anything but!...
by creedla | Feb 16, 2017 | Aesthetics And Renovations, Environmental News, Transit-Oriented Development
Disconcerting News for Gephyrophobics Gephyrophobics, individuals that suffer anxiety with respect to crossing bridges or going through tunnels, often reveal their fears manifested from traumatic experiences at some point in their lives. Rather disconcertingly,...
by creedla | Feb 10, 2017 | Environment, Environmental News
Another Man’s Trash…Waste-to-Energy power generation reduces landfill volume while providing electricity for the facility and the surrounding community Once upon a time, almost everyone burned common household waste or leaf & grass matter in metal drums or...
by creedla | Jan 18, 2017 | Environmental News
Maglev Trains Enable Rapid Transport Over Long Distances Anyone who has ever experimented with magnets became familiar with the fact that like poles repel one another. Furthering that concept, electromagnets create magnetic fields through the application of...
by creedla | Jan 13, 2017 | Environment
“Cementing” Our Place in History Of all the advancements discovered or created that culminated in the formation of modern society as we know it today, concrete has to be near the top of the list. Concrete is a durable, highly versatile, and cost-effective building...